Case and Evidence Stats
      • 06 Jul 2023
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      Case and Evidence Stats

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      Article summary

      📝 xBit 3.9 Release Notes

      🚀 New features

      Case / Evidence Stats Redesign

      Screenshot from 2023-06-23 11-53-33.png

      View your case stats and evidence stats to get the insights you need.

      For cases, we offer:

      • Cases By Offence Type
      • Cases By Agency
      • Case Breakdown (By Status)
      • Active Cases

      For evidence, we offer:

      • Agency Breakdown
      • Forensic Software
      • Completed Evidence by Assigned to
      • Active Evidence By Assigned To
      • Evidence Type
      • Operating System
      • Legal Order Type
      • Advanced Methods

      You have the options between pie charts, bar charts, polar charts, and more.

      Screenshot from 2023-06-23 12-10-58.png

      Use filters to refine the results. You can sort results by date, agency, and user.

      Screenshot from 2023-06-23 12-14-17.png

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