Important settings
      • 16 Nov 2023
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      Important settings

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      Article summary

      Important settings

      These can be found in the menu by going to Admin > About / Settings

      Iso / IEC / ANAB Settings

      Out of the box, xBit fulfills the following accredidation guidelines:

      • Allows Administrators to set Mandatory Case Review (optional) for Peer Review and/or Admin Review for compliance with ANAB Document 3125 and ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accreditation Guidelines.
      • Set case to “Pending Review” to prevent any further changes/additions until approved or rejected (Section
      • View a comprehensive audit of all activity in the database (user logins, attempts to login, data entries, etc.) with date and time stamps (7.5.1).

      The only guideline that isn't set is:

      • Track technical records/notes related to investigations in a permanent manner (, 7.5.2).

      This simply requires that you can't edit memos.

      To set whether xBit needs to fully conform to ISO/IEC 17025:2017, ANAB AR 3125 lab certification and disable memo editing, navigate to Admin > ​About/Settings > Conform to ANAB 17015-2017 and select the Yes option to comply.

      SORN Compliance

      Agencies/organizations that must certify SORN compliance can remove personal identifying information (PII) fields. To Enable SORN compliance, navigate to Admin > ​About / Settings > Enable Sorn and select Yes.

      Set Up SMTP

      We highly recommend you set up SMTP, especially if you are on a local network. SMTP setup is important because it allows you to:

      • Reset your password if you have forgotten or lost it (if you are the sole admin, you will need to contact support to reset your password)
      • Send out email notifications
      • Create logins for external users submitting lab requests where you can save your work

      To set up SMTP, go to Admin > About / Settings > EMAIL