      • 28 Aug 2023
      • 2 Minutes to read
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      Article summary

      📝 xBit 3.9 Release Notes

      🚀 New features

      Case / Evidence Stats Redesign

      Screenshot from 2023-06-23 11-53-33.png

      We have redesigned the case stats and evidence stats with greater options for how you can view your data. You have the options between pie charts, bar charts, polar charts, and more.

      Screenshot from 2023-06-23 12-10-58.png

      We also included filters for you to get the results you need. You can now sort results by date, agency, and user.

      Screenshot from 2023-06-23 12-14-17.png

      Reports - Toggle Memo Order By Date

      Screenshot from 2023-06-23 12-29-56.png

      In the reports modal, if you decide to include memos in your report, you can now set the sort order from oldest to newest or by newest to oldest.

      📝 Notes

      • Serial Number is back in the evidence type specific section of the evidence page instead of the general evidence intake section. This caused an issue with a few of our customers when we moved it to Evidence Intake originally. We realized our mistake and are moving it back. You are now able to add Serial Number as a field in the Table View Builder and the Label Builder
      • Default barcode is now TYPE_CODE_128. If you already selected a barcode, then you will not be affected.
      • Default Case group has changed from --None-- to Admins. If you made a selection already, you will not be affected.

      🐛 Bug Fixes

      • About / Settings - Fixed issue that would display the wrong version number
      • Agency Manager - Fixed issue where special characters in the zip code field would cause issues in the edit Agency form when saved
      • Asset Manager - Fixed issue where sorting assets by any value in agency and assigned to dropdown produces error.
      • Audit Log - Fixed issue where adding a date to a text field would break the audit log.
      • Auto CID - Corrected issue with CID collisions with request submissions.
      • AutoCID - Removed error messages for when template contained only a number or didn't include the year token
      • Case Permissions - You now must assign a case to at least one person or group
      • DB - Replaced complex primary keys with ID and unique indexes
      • Forensic Tools - Fixed issue where hours were being rounded to whole numbers
      • Forensic Tools - Fixed issue where long descriptions and descriptions that contained double quotation marks weren't saving
      • List Manager - Fixed issues where forensic software images not saving
      • List Manager - Fixed issue where sometimes new list item form would be opened instead of editing an existing list item
      • Stats Explorer - Fixed error where stats explorer was using the date the field was last edited to pull years to display
      • Table View Builder - Removed unnecessary scrollbar when the sidebar is open
      • Table View Builder - Fixed an error deleting certain custom default views
      • Table View Builder - Fixed error where selecting a new evidence view for a particular case would query for all evidence instead of evidence for that case
      • User Manager - You can now put apostraphes in first and last names

      🌈 UI Changes

      • Modals are generally wider
      • Case Manager - Download Stacked Button cut off fixed
      • Table View Builder - Sort Label aligned to the right
      • USSS Stats - Fixed UI issues in USSS Tab of Case Manager

      What's Next